martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

My Blogging Experience

Hello classmates!!

In this last post I will talk about my blogging experience. 

My experience writing on the blog has been positive. I learned to write and form sentences in english. I don’t like because I find it a bit boring, but I know it’s a good way to learn express ideas in english.   

      Activities was more amused myself with visiting the BBC website and the exercises in practice for the final test. These pages have been able to continue practicing at home, to get a good test render this another week.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Batman Dark Knight Rises

A movie I saw lately is “Batman Dark Knight Rises”. I went to see it a cinema. It is a movie that I really like and is the last film in a trilogy. I went see the “Batman Begins” and “Batman Dark Knight”.  I could not miss watching the last.

The protagonists of this film are Christian Bale, as Batman and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. In the other films Christian Bale starred with Katie Holmes in “Batman Begins” and Maggie Gyllenhaal  in “Batman Dark Knight”, in this last film acts Heath Ledger as “The Joker”.

This movie is fiction genre and I like it and I like because I have always loved movies and super heroes, batman is one that comes out of the ordinary as it has no super powers, only uses high technology and training.



miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

BBC Learning English

Today I visited the BBC Learning English website, and I will talk about it.

On this page there is a link "Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation", in the section of "Today's Phrase" teach expressions such as "If someone is green with envy" is something to be jealous, or the expression I'm not sure I understand correctly, "look green around the gills" which from what I understand is "look sick". This appears by the news of the star trek convention, in which fans were dressed as characters from the series, including alien characters. Appears green young lady in the picture of the item. Also "bite off more than you can chew" meaning try to do more than what one is capable. And other expressions like "To give someone a lift", "Poles apart" and "To bring the house down".

Then visit the Miss recommended "Beat the Keeper", I played puzzle, the clues have articles lick BBC page to complete the words in the puzzle. The game is about paralympics games 2008. Another game that I like is the Wordmaster, in this you can practice vocabulary, should you complete the prayer and have clues about what the word in question.

Really liked this website, I will serve to parcticar English.


martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

“Bohemian Rhapsody”

Actually I have no favorite song in English, but there is a song that I liked little girl by the way it sounded, though he did not understand what he said. This song is "Bohemian Rhapsody" rock group "Queen". This song by the knowledge that it was part of the soundtrack of a TV series called "Tic Tac".
This song was writing by Freddie Mercury for the band's 1975 album "A Night at the Opera". The song has no chorus, instead consisting of four main parts: a ballad segment ending with a guitar solo, an operatic passage, and a hard rock section. Because of this unusual structure is more similar to a classical rhapsody than popular music. At the time, it was the most expensive single ever made and remains one of the most elaborate recordings in popular music history. According to various interpretations, this song reflects the homosexuality of its author, who was preparing to leave his girlfriend Mary Austin and get a male partner.
When it went on sale as a single, "Bohemian Rhapsody" became a commercial success, staying at the top of the British charts for nine weeks. It reached number one again in 1991, after the death of Freddie Mercury.

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

My two best friends

I have 2 best friends, Loreto and Estefania. We met in high school, we were at school Maria Teresa Cansino in Recoleta. Loreto first met, she always liked the anime, school was always drawing, even drawing classes would Mapocho station. Today is her you see most often, by studying graphic design in the faculty. She is writing her thesis.

In the second year of high school, I met Estefania, she is very intelligent, and cost him pursue his dreams for lack of opportunities. For her, life has been difficult, but today after much advice from me and Loreto, she is studying nursing. I am very happy that she can meet part of their dreams, and I hope you have many more to meet.

In the four years of high school friends was our group of 6 members, from the years every time we met less frequently and also with less number of members. Until we were only 3, we do everything possible to meet as much as possible, but we did it only 3 or 4 times a year.

I love them with all my heart, Loreto and Estefania.


My name is Gennipher Carter Erazo.
I study Geography in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile.
I am in the fifth year and at the end of this year I can start practice. 

My first day at university

I entered the university in 2008 to study geography. What I remember the most of my first day at university is the teacher who welcomed us. It was teacher Fernando Pino of remote sensing (teledetección) and he did not speak anything about the course. This teacher was very dramatic in his welcome, we talked about how lucky we were to be students of the University of Chile. 

In this first I don’t know to my classmate, but more interesting than my first day, were the second and third days. In the second day was “El Mechoneo”, in the classroom they took our shoes, men were stripped of their T-shirts and painted the paunch and back, and the women we painted their faces and arms. We took moored from the classroom to the central playground of the faculty, in this way we threw eggs from the second floor. To reach the central playground make us walk a "swimming pool" with vinegar and decaying fish and drink wine. Then we did go to the street to ask for money. 

This money was to pay for the bus that would take us the next day at Cartagena, better known as "cartagua".